Project Overview

New signage will be installed on the building’s exterior to update the existing marquee signage located off Romneya Drive and the signage above the canopy at the Tower’s main entrance points. On the interior, directory and directional signage is planned to be updated next to elevators at each floor.


Status: Implementation

Project Estimate: Measure J=$1,087,431 ; Local=$59,000

Architect of Record: Westberg White

Specialty Contractor: KYA Group, Inc.

Project Manager: Richard Williams

Program Management: MAAS Companies

Implementation Pictures


Implementation Pictures

Q2 2024 Project Update

Develop Interior and Exterior Signage

The Campus Project Team is planning on deducting a portion of the project scope of work applicable to the north facing wall signage and reissuing it with the corrected anticipated cost of construction and re-bidding that over the summer. The Anaheim Campus letters will be corrected to match the coloration of the NOCE signage and installed over the summer.