New Horticulture/Lab School/STEM Lab
Consolidate all STEM programs into a two-floor building with updated laboratories and associated infrastructure, greenhouse spaces, tailored classrooms, tutoring spaces, and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) improvements.
Status: Planning
Project Costs: Measure J=$25,167,636, State Capital Outlay Funds =$25,574,000
Architect of Records: TBD
Project Manager: John Erickson
General Contractor: TBD
Construction Manager: TBD
Program Management: MAAS Companies
Construction Start: Winter 2027
Anticipated Completion: Spring 2009
New Horticulture/Lab School/STEM Lab - Project Site
Q1 2025 Project Update
In February, the Campus Project Team began the process of revisiting the original building programming found in the Final Project Proposal (FPP) to ensure that the current programming matches the current needs of the Building User Group.