Project Overview
This greenspace will foster social gatherings in a grand quad with amphitheater seating for special events like commencement. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) improvements are included in the project scope of work for accessibility of all users.
Status: Planning
Project Costs: Measure J=$1,839,000; Local=$2,999,537
Architects of Record: PBK Architects
General Contractor: TBD
Project Manager: Cora Baldovino
Program Management: MAAS Companies
Anticipated Construction Start: TBD
Anticipated Completion: TBD
Future Site for Exterior Green Community Space Enhancement

Q1 2025 Project Update
Meetings were planned between NOCE leadership and the Campus Project Team to develop a preliminary assessment of the scope of work. The Campus Project Team worked closely with the City of Anaheim to reach a resolution for the vehicular drop-off areas and fire access roads that meets the City’s requirements.